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Special 2022 Gala Edition Newsletter

Thank you to all who attended our20th Annual Shine a Light of Hope Gala!
Celebrating our 20th Annual Gala was a big deal and we are grateful that so many of you were able to join us in person and online through the silent auction!
Did we make our Gala fundraising goal?
The Gala raised $140,000! We are still $10,000 short of reaching our goal. If you would like to help us reach our goal please visit our website now and click donate.
We recorded the Gala for you to watch!
Our team recorded the Gala and uploaded it onto our YouTube channel. You have the opportunity to watch the full Gala. Embedded in the Gala video is Mary’s story. Mary came to Light of Hope in 2015 and is a Friend of Hope to Dave and Linda Lehman. Watch as they help Mary share her story of finding Refuge, Restoration and Redirection at Light of Hope.
Shine a Light of Hope Gala 2022Mary’s Hope Video
We Can Make a Difference Slideshow
Friends of Hope Program Update
We have just 4 girls who are waiting for a Friend of Hope! Before the Gala there were still 12 girls! If you are interested in becoming a friend to Joesphine, Annastaciah, Lucy, or Sera, please reply to this email. Becoming a Friend of Hope is a way to support one of the girls with a monthly/yearly donation, writing letters back and forth and prayer.
Friend of Hope Program

Josephine – 16yrs old

Annastaciah – 5yrs old

Lucy – 18yrs old

Sera – 18yrs old

Gala Pictures
Send us your Gala pictures, we would love to see them!
Help us by downloading the Spave App
Have you heard of the apps where you can round up your purchases and donate to a nonprofit? We have partnered with the top dog of these apps, SPAVE! This is a fun way to round up and donate to us during your weekly trip to the grocery store or going out to eat. Download the free app from the App Store or Google Play. Check out SPAVE now and help us to usher in another way to support the girls.